Spiritual Alignment for healers
A Decolonizing Guide To Becoming A Better Healing Vessel
July 29th - 31st, 2025
December 2nd - 4th, 2025
Class Structure:
Virtually from anywhere:
7-10 pm EST
4-7 pm PST | 8-11 am Japan time
Investment: $300
$150-$300 BIPOC Only Sliding Scale (Choose Reduction at Checkout)
This three-day course is offered for all energy healing and spirituality practitioners as a way to decolonize their practice for better efficacy and reducing harm. Drawing from their years of teaching and practicing experiences, Reiki Godmothers Aki Hirata Baker and Manu Del Prete, designed this course from their years of teaching and working in the healing arts.
Why Decolonize?
Effective and meaningful energy and spiritual healing practice is less about our ‘skills and techniques’, and more about our ability for ‘space holding.’ So, come and join the conversation on how to undo the hidden mindset and belief systems that hinders us from becoming the best possible vessel to offer safe and clear healing space.
In this course we offers theoretical understandings and practical steps for you to become a better space holder for transformation.

History of spiritual belief system
How colonization affects our current belief system
Energy healing as spiritual practice
The practice of undoing the colonization within our psyche
Demystifying multi-dimensionality
Lecture for theoretical understanding
Journal prompts for self-reflection and self-discoveries
Small group discussion for integration, community building and further discoveries
So that you can:
Feel greater and embodied connection to the invisible realm
Learn powerful expression of your Soul frequency
Positively affect cosmic reality & collective consciousness
Reiki Godmothers
Our Reiki Certification Courses are co-taught by Manu Del Prete and Aki Hirata Quetzalyolotzin Jewel Moon Medicine Woman using Twin Attuning Method.
You will have a unique opportunity to learn from two masters who work together to bring various aspects of Reiki to life - you will leave feeling empowered and excited about your ability! Twin Attuning Method was discovered during the course of the two masters working together; the energy of the two masters are intertwined during the attunement to create a deep and powerful shift of the energy bodies.