12-month embodied container for healing, remembering, and rising together.

now healing: The Huntress

Register here by March 28th.

Explore multiple archetypes:
Any 6 Archetype Exchange: $700
12 Archetype Exchange (full year): $1200
+ discount for October ‘25 Joshua Tree Retreat

Join us for the beginning of a new cycle. The time is now.

It is said we are living in a time where the Feminine is to be reclaimed

in order for humanity and all of its relations to regain balance.


For centuries, women have been confined to four primary archetypes:
Maiden, Mother, Crone, and Prostitute—a subconscious framework that shapes how we are perceived and see ourselves.

But what if our true power lies beyond these limitations?


The Huntress

March 28th

The Empress

April 27th

The Magician

May 27th

The Matriarch

June 25th

The Queen

July 24th

The Medicine Woman

Aug 23rd

The Lover

October 7th

The Alchemist

November 4th

The Visionary

December 5th

The Priestess

January 3rd

The Revolutionary

February 2nd

The Mystic

March 3rd


We all have challenges in our lives that we were not able to heal from - not because we were not willing, but because we did not have the space, time, support and/or skills necessary to navigate these challenges. Instead of them becoming our lessons and nutrients for our lives, untended wounds become our trauma.

In the indigenous healing philosophy, we call this our Soul Loss.

For our survival, we leave fragments of our Soul in the past; the pain was too much to carry, so we sever that part of us to keep going. In Soul Retrieval Ceremony, we journey to reclaim these lost parts of ourselves into WHOLENESS, one by one.

energetic activation

With healing, we regain softness necessary for the sculpting of our new energetic expression.

In this container, we use this opening to energetically activate the mystical archetype that is most aligned and wants to come alive within - our unique expression will be energetically congruent to what you want to bring out into the world.

You will be supported by your choice of the Sacred example of the archetype, and frequency of various healing energies for multi-dimensional activation.

This course is ONLY for those who seek to stop the extreme swinging between the polarities,
the ones who are brave enough to say enough is enough. 

Created for anyone who is interested in picking up the pieces of themselves, wounded and forgotten,
across timelines - these sessions serve as a way to bring half of the equation - the Feminine - to its potency, in order for the other half to be able to have its nest for unfurling and healing.

The Masculine will not return to its fullest alignment if the Feminine expressions are lost in the abyss.