Earth Evolution Reiki is for anyone who has been attuned to Reiki 2 or above, IET intermediate or above, or 13th Octave LaHochi. Please see our training schedule to join any of these prerequisite certification courses.
May 7-9th or November 12-14th, 2025
All classes will be held virtually via Zoom from:
6:30-9:30pm EST
“Humanity is experiencing a major shift right now. are you ready to answer the call to join the group of healing practitioners who will assist in the energetic shift towards harmony and peace?”
“We are seeing the tendencies for some spiritualists to use the term '5D' as their version of Heaven; believing that somehow, we will magically arrive at a beautiful, peaceful, harmonious place without any of the work externally or internally.
This is just not true—we are human beings with physical bodies, created out of third density materials that anchor our lives on the third dimensional reality.”
—Reiki Godmothers
Earth Evolution Reiki: Energy Healing for the Harmonious Future
Different ancient cultures, mystics, and psychics have spoken and predicted these particular times, and the shift we are currently experiencing has been said as one that creates a fundamental shift in the way how human beings experience reality. One of the spiritual traditions that spoke about these changes is the Toltec tradition of Mesoamerica. According to their teachings, this transition has been happening since the early 1990s and culminating in 2020. 2021 marked the beginning of the new era that will last 6625 years; many are calling this next era “new earth”.
A Few Years Ago, We Were Given a New Energy Healing Symbol
It came to us from channeling during a trance-mediumship session. The specific instruction was given to practice using this symbol between the two masters/godmothers, Manu Del Prete and Aki Hirata Baker, until further instructions were given. During the spring of 2019, there was a call to go into another channeling session, during which we have received the blessings to share the information and instructions to students in the year 2020, as part of the tools for people to cope and work with the energy of the earth ascension.
This information was given to humanity from the counsel of Ascended Reiki Masters; they have revealed that the practice of Reiki is ancient, older than anyone could record. The information revealed to Master Usui was a partial remembrance of what humanity once practiced, and there are many more Reiki symbols available for humanity in the future when our mind, body, and spirit will be ready.
It is now time to start sharing this gift of integration and transformation with the rest of humanity.
In this Class you Will Learn:
The origin of how the three new symbols came to Reiki Godmothers and how these symbols have changed the way we integrate the intense energetic shifts
Explanation of additional 5 energetic centers that work with the existing 7 chakras to complete the new 12 chakras system that humanity will start activating and utilizing in the new era
The meaning of these three symbols: Dairoku, Jigen and Kokoro
How to use these symbols for self-healing and the work with the clients
Short lecture on ‘Earth Ascension’
What is Earth Ascension?
What is the common symptoms we may experience from this change?
The relationship between Earth Ascension and the new three symbols
How to be prepared yourself in order to help others with the energy of earth ascension
The true purpose of living this time; integrity within our hearts
Attunement that will allow you to integrate this new frequency into your existing practice
The Dawn of the Sixth Sun by Sergio Magaña Ocelocoyotl
The Prism of Lyra by Lyssa Royal-Holt
Sacred Instruction by Sherri Mitchell
Conversation with the Z’s (book one) by Lee Harris
BUNDLE: $500
MINKA Brooklyn is excited to offer partial and full scholarships for BIPOC practitioners to take Reiki II or Earth Evolution Reiki this year: apply here.
This class is co-taught by Manu & Aki Hirata using Twin Attuning
The Twin Attuning Method was discovered during the course of the two working together. Aki and Manu are spiritual twins who shared many lifetimes together; the energy of the two are intertwined during the attunement to create a deep and powerful shift of the energy bodies.
Our Reiki Certification Courses are co-taught by Manu Del Prete and Aki Hirata Quetzalyolotzin Jewel Moon Medicine Woman using a twin attuning method.
You will have a unique opportunity to learn from two masters who work together to bring various aspects of Reiki to life. You will leave feeling empowered and excited about your ability! The twin attuning method was discovered during the course of the two masters working together; the energy of the two masters are intertwined during the attunement to create a deep and powerful shift of the energy bodies.