We aim to remember, de-mystify & integrate ancient wisdom with our modern consciousness & social understanding. We honor & embody the oneness of nature, spirit, and humanity. Our curriculum supports inner transformation aimed towards social justice and collective evolution.
ConsciousnESS OF radical equity Leadership training (C.O.R.E.)
Do you need support understanding and navigating dynamics of our changing culture?
Are you ready to expand your ability to hold transformational space for yourself and those you serve?
If so, the C.O.R.E. 15-month certification program may be right for you. Classes start in Fall of 2025!
“I can talk forever about how grateful I am to have found Minka of all places -- for my healing, for my unlearning, for my becoming, for my sense of community -- and how this is the space that allowed me to align my social justice work and my spiritual practice.
― Beck Nilson