Aki Hirata Baker is an Empress with a spirit of the Magician and the heart of the High Priestess.  Just as her natal chart suggests, she is a Phoenix who constantly re-invent herself of who she is, who she thinks she is, and who she aspires to be.  Her love for mysticism and forces unseen was evident in her second grade essay, in which she proclaimed she wanted to be a Witch when she grew up.  Driven by her passion for understanding powers in all things, and her struggle with depression and chronic physical ailments, Aki had studied various healing modalities such as Ayurvedic Medicine, Integral Hatha Yoga, meditation, Essential Oils, Bach & FES flower essences, Energy Healing (Reiki, IET, 13th Octave LaHoChi and more), Indigenous healing & medicine practices of the Americas taught by Nana Irma StarSpirit Turtle Woman, Maestra Rita Navarette Prez & Tonita Gonzalez, Maestro Sergio Magaña Ocelotcoyotl and Maestro Akaxe Gomez. . Her body, mind and soul have been very happy with one another for several years though these practices.

In this current life time, she is a Flower Essence Therapist, energetic healing practitioner, Reiki Godmother (commonly known as Reiki master teacher), meditator, community activist, food lover, healing & spiritual guide, artist, urban farmer, domestic violence survivor, mother to Saya, Shintaro & San, and wife to Ronald.  Her current project is MINKA brooklyn, a center for wellness & holistic living, which she co-founded with her business partners; creating inclusive communities that are self-sustaining and empowering individuals to evolve to their best possible versions of themselves.  

She calls Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn her home for the past 16 years, where her misfit spirit resides comfortably with other beautifully messy spirits.  She was born and raised in Japan, and spend several years in Americus and Atlanta, Georgia en route to Brooklyn.  She blames her Southern living for her strange accent.

On most days, you can find Aki at MINKA brooklyn offering private healing sessions, or simply being a Mama Bear. 
